

Thedra is the oldest language in the world. It was gifted to the Gentle Races by the Creator at the beginning of time. However, seeing that the language became corrupted in the tongues of the other races, the Elves of Old Durum decided that they would ossify the language, unchanged forever. Outside of the Kingdoms of the Elves, the language did change and transform into dialects, and eventually into their own languages entirely. Regardless, Thedra remains the language of Politics, Art and Culture in much of Ficcius and Kadatran.

Languages I speak


Obviamente hablo español como vivio en México. Realmente no hay mucho que decir sobre esto ya que no es muy interesante le hecho de que hable español.


You probably already realized that I speak English just by reading the rest of my website. I started learning English since I was very little. We had English classes in Kindergarten but I don't think I knew how to say a lot of things at that point. I think I really started learning more and becoming more proficient when I was about twelve, when I started really watching a lot of movies in English as well as reading, and playing videogames. My speaking isn't great since I don't speak too much in English, but my reading and writting are pretty much C2 level.


La prima volta che sono andato in Italia, fuo cuando ero un bambino di dodici anni. Sono andato in Italia co un amico che i sua familia è italiana. Stando lá, ho preso lezzioni d'italiano, e veramente non mi ricordo tutte le cose che ho imparato lí. Ma dopo avere finire il liceo, io e alcune amici siamo andati in un giro d'Europa, quindi prima a uscire, ho imparato un po' su Duolingo. Come la lingua italiana è molto simili a lo spagniolo, non è stato dificile imparare. Dopo di questo giro, nel università ho preso dei lezzioni d'italiano e ho imparato molto di più. Fa molto tempo che non parlo/scrivo n'italiano, quindi può essere che ci sono moltissimi errori grammaticali. Invia un email se trovi alcuno.


Я исучал русский язык в университете три семестра, итак я не говорю ни читаю очен хорошо. Русский только трудный. Я могу говорить но-русски но не много. Я тоже могу печатать на компютере, но очен медлено; у меня клавитатура с скириллическими клавишами. Я хочил исучать русский потому что мне нрабится история россии (Российская Империя, СССР) а тоже потому что я люблю как звучит русский язык (я видел серия Хождение По Мукам (2017)) и я любил как люди гоборили там.